Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 6, 2011

Art furniture

Beirut (Lebanon) studio Bokja , Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibri bet on a new round of circulation of the Western world to Eastern culture and the growing interest in things handmade.


Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 5, 2011

American Girl Doll Shawl with Garter Stitch Stripes tutorial

American Girl Doll Shawl with Garter Stitch Stripes

Westport, CT

1 skein – Lion Brand Micro Spun yarn
US Size 5 straight needles
Gauge: in Stockinette st: 4x4 inches = 22 sts wide by 24 sts high
Dimensions: approximately 5.5 inches wide by 17.5 inches long
Directions: Cast on 32 stitches.
Rows 1-6: Knit across. Knit every row creating a garter stitch band. This should create 3 garter stitch ridges (plus the cast on edge). You will end with the RS facing.
B - SHORT STOCKINETTE PANEL (first and last panel)
Row 7: ODD ROWS – Right Side (RS): Knit across
Row 8: EVEN ROWS - Wrong Side (WS): Knit 5, Purl across to last 5 sts. Knit 5

Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 3, 2011

Hendmeyd crocheted bag

Вязаная сумка мастер-класс
Round hendmeyd bag crocheted of bright hexagonal motifs. The size of bags depends on the thickness of the yarn. The thicker the yarn, the bigger will be a bag. Inside knitted bags to sew cloth lining.
Begin to knit a bag of individual hexagonal motifs. Recruit a chain of 5 stitches.

Gift ideas for christmas: Snowflakes out of paper for Christmas

Snowflakes are made of paper are the most common winter decorations.
Snowflakes are easy to manufacture and extremely beautiful. To cut a snowflake out of paper you need is white paper and scissors.
sxema snezhinok iz bumagi  Схемы снежинок из бумаги

Scheme snowflakes out of paper:

sxema snezhinok iz bumagi 05 Схемы снежинок из бумаги