Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 2, 2011

Grandma All Square Tutorial

I will try to translate this to English. Please let me know if something is difficult to understand. I’m using US terminology.
ch = chain, st = stitch, ss = slip stitch, dc = double crochet
(Follow the link to pages explaining the stitches.)
2009_06030071 2009_06030072
Start: make 5 ch, join with ss into a ring.
1st round: 4ch (=1dc,1ch), 1dc + 1ch 11 times. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 dc.
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2nd round: Start in one of the ch spaces. 3 ch (= 1dc), 1dc, 1ch, *2dc, 1ch* in the remaining ch spaces. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 groups of 2 dc.
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3rd round: Start in one of the ch spaces. 3 ch (= 1dc), 2dc in ch space, 1ch, *3dc, 1ch* in the remaining ch spaces. Join with ss in 3rd ch. 12 groups of 3 dc.
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2009_06030085 2009_06030086
4th round: Start in one of the ch spaces. 4ch (= 1 tr), 1tr, 3ch, 2tr, (=1st corner), *1ch, (2dc,1ch,2dc) in next ch space, 1ch, (2dc,1ch,2dc) in next ch space, 1ch, (2tr, 3ch, 2tr) (=2nd corner)**, repeat * to ** 2 times, 1ch, (2dc, 1ch, 2dc) inthe next two ch spaces, 1ch. Join with ss to 4th ch.

I like the assemblyline method so I prefer to make a lot of circles before I start the 4th round.

I join the squares in the last round, like I show here. Moonstitches have a great tutorial for joining hexagons. It’s mostly the same. The squares are joined together in the corners and at two places on the sides.

Start in a corner. Crochet 2tr, 1ch,next ch through the corner of the other square, 1ch, 2tr. (The first corner is done)

Side: 1ch,(2dc, 1ch through 1ch on other square, 2dc), 1ch (2dc, 1ch through 1ch on other square, 2dc), 1ch
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Next corner (where you will join square to the square to the right and the one above): 2tr, 1ch, 1ch through corner of square to the right, 1 ch through corner of the square above, 2 tr.

Do the next side as the first. In the next corner you crochet 1 ch through the corner of the square above. Finish the round as in pattern.
Hope you understand this:)

Here it is!
Large enough for taking a nap on the sofa.

Final facts:
12 x 16 = 192 squares
Number of colours: not known…
Yarn: The colours are mostly Sandnes Smart and Dale Falk + leftovers from my stash. The white yarn in Vestlandsgarn from Gjesdal.
Hook : 4 mm

Just a few number facts:
In one square it’s 104 dobbel crohet st, 68 chain st and 16 treble st.
That makes in the hole afghan:
21 044 dc st
14 496 chain st
3 072 tr st
1440 sc st
Some details about how I did the border:
One row of dc first. On dc in every dc and one dc in every ch space. 5 dc in the corners.
One row of sc in every dc of last round. make one extra sc in the corners.
One row of loops: Start with one sc, chain 4, skip two sc on last round – all the way round.

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